Concrete is a strong, functional building material that can be used for a wide range of projects. Yet, if you notice that certain areas of your concrete are sinking or shifting, it can be difficult to repair them.

The good news is that there are several ways to get your concrete back into its original position without having to pour a new slab. One of those options is called Cincinnati Concrete Lifting.
Mudjacking is a fast and cost-effective way to lift concrete surfaces such as pool decks, patios, driveways, and sidewalks. This method is less expensive than tearing out and replacing the concrete, and it can be done in a day or two.
The process involves injecting a slurry of water, sandy loam soil, and cement underneath the concrete slab to raise it. The exact slurry composition varies from company to company and from job to job.
This slurry is then pumped under the concrete slab using a specially designed pump to fill empty spaces and create pressure beneath the concrete to lift it. Once the slurry hardens, it acts as a solid fill that is more stable than soil but lighter than concrete.
Mudjacking can be effective for lifting footing and floor slabs that have settled in your home, but it won’t solve foundation problems unless it’s used with slab piers. Additionally, it can only be effective when the slab is at least 24 inches wide and in good condition.
When a concrete slab settles, it can cause serious damage to the foundation of your house and its structure. This can lead to cracks in the foundation walls that can result in mold and other structural problems.
It can also cause the concrete surface to be a safety hazard for pedestrians and vehicles that travel on it. It can also pose a risk to concrete surfaces that are covered with unique tile or cosmetic top treatments.
Mudjacking is a quick solution for most sunken concrete surfaces and can be used to repair or elevate virtually any surface. However, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of this procedure before you decide whether or not to have it done on your property.
Whether you’re looking to level your home’s driveway or are a business owner with sunken concrete floors in your warehouse, polyjacking is an effective method for repairing the problem. It’s less invasive than other methods, such as mudjacking or replacement, and is more affordable.
Polyjacking is a process that involves injecting foam beneath your concrete slab to raise it back up to the proper level. It can be used on both interior and exterior concrete surfaces, restoring their structural integrity without compromising the appearance of your home or business.
The process is done with a specialized drill and an injection gun, which force the foam into cracks and voids beneath your concrete slab. The injected material expands to fill the gaps and voids, lifting the concrete to its original height and preventing it from sinking again.
This technique is also less messy than mudjacking, which requires a large amount of mud to be pumped beneath your concrete slab. However, it does not provide as much support as polyjacking.
In addition, mudjacking is not water-proof and can erode away over time if your concrete slab is exposed to a lot of rain. It also doesn’t prevent other issues, such as water seeping through the concrete into the soil underneath it.
If your concrete slab is causing you trouble, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible. The longer it goes untreated, the worse your problems will become.
If you’re interested in getting your concrete repaired, it’s essential to choose a professional that uses a long-lasting repair solution like polyjacking. This will ensure that your concrete doesn’t sink again in the future, saving you money in the long run.